
Time to grow up

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Posted 24. October 2008

Tired of choosing many different boot loader solutions, because each version offers a specific feature what others doesn’t?
Besides time and laziness factors there’s a big wall what we hit if we’re going to merge all nice features into a single release: It’s the 64k size limitation of the stage 2 loader. The last pieces of the puzzle has been found, now it’s time to grow up!

Article is written by Tamás KOSÁRSZKY.

How is it made happen?

Thanks to David Elliott, the necessary modifications have already been available for a long time. Since his r122 changeset against the boot-132 project contains almost everything what we need to grow over 64k. Here’s a quote from i386/libsaio/bios.s where dfe tells the story:

“With this change, plus the earlier change to respect DS (e.g. use huge pointers), the binary can grow much larger, currently up to exactly 63.5k which is the maximum that the first-stage bootsectors can handle. To get more than that more changes are needed. In that case we would have to play with Mach-O segments to ensure real-mode code and data got stuffed well within the first 63.5k. Furthermore, we’d have to adjust the boot sectors to allow them to span segments. Since this change alone only gains us about 4k more than where we’re at now (which is not anything to scoff at) it won’t be very long before we need to start using Mach-O segments to force the linker to locate certain bits of code and data within the first 63.5k and modify the loaders to be able to load more than 63.5k.”

Ok, so what else do we need?

To complete the puzzle we had to follow the path as dfe suggested above.

These are the init, bios wrapper and real mode-protection mode switching functions what they should go into the first 64k. A big thanks goes to Turbo who found a clean way to enforce these functions to have them in their proper places.

The other parts are the stage 1 loaders, they also need some changes to able to load more than 127 sectors from the hdd or the cd. We’re already done with this, it means cdboot and boot1h can deal with such large stage 2 booters.

Can i get any benefit from all of this?

Yes, since we have a lot of space now we can merge all existing features into a single boot file. We’re already in the process to take the best pieces from all ‘worlds’ and stay tuned for a new Chameleon version release pretty soon!

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  1. Envying · 13. November 2008, 02:01 · #

    Just have a question, how many HD can Chameleon recognize? I have 1 PATA, 1 PATA DVD, 2 SATA, after I enable my esata, I can see one of my SATA disappeared from the booting list… Does that mean 4 PATA or SATA devices are the limit?

    Thanks in advance for any clarification.

  2. cparm · 15. November 2008, 09:44 · #

    will this next version of chameleon, have the DSDT override written by mackerintel (

  3. xwin · 21. November 2008, 07:31 · #

    Love your work, when is the next release commin gout?

  4. cmos · 27. November 2008, 01:03 · #

    Im glad you have a great team of developers on your project cant wait to see more.Always strive to think diffrent

  5. PC-Ente · 8. December 2008, 01:42 · #

    please let us selabrate Chrismas with a new Chameleon Version :-)

  6. zef · 10. December 2008, 21:28 · #

    I really hope that we can release the new version before Christmas, we’re working on it!

  7. avinash_4_ever · 11. December 2008, 04:34 · #

    hi zef thanks for all the things yove done for mac fans (pc ofcourse). i would like to discuss one problem, i have
    intel d 2.8
    asus p5b mainboard
    nvidia 7600gs
    sata 169 gb hdd
    ps/2 key and mice

    ive tried many flavours of mac os x86
    the iatkos v5i, and ideneb v1.5 and kalyway 10.5.4
    they all install on the system (of course with some carefull planning of packages) but when i try to boot from the os x partion i get boot:0 error and when leave the dvd in the drive and reboot the dvd loads as usual after any key to boot…. i boots from hdd , strange problem
    and on all flavours iam using chameleon boot loader only
    i have 4 partitions of which are ntfs and one hfs+
    i run xp as native os
    what can be done to fix this problem so that i can boot os x directly from hdd without the dvd
    awaiting your response eagerly
    thank you (happy holidays if you plan to have one!!)

  8. zef · 11. December 2008, 05:33 · #


    you need to use primary partitions for your HFS+ filesystem to able to boot with boot0. Alternatively you can add chain0 to XP’s boot.ini, and it can parse logical partitions as well.

    I’m also using XP as my primary OS and booting OS X this chain0 way.

    Hope this helps you :)

  9. avinash_4_ever · 11. December 2008, 15:01 · #

    thanks zef 4 replying , if iam right i need to download the chain0 file save it in root of c: drive and add the line
    ive tried that but i get the same error .
    if iam starting from scratch then before installing osx on partition should i select as primary partition using acronis disk suite format it with fat32 and then reformat it with osx journeled during X installation?

    if its confusing to understand pls let me know

    what i understood was :
    create primary fat32 partition
    boot with X and reformat it as osx journeled and then install os x as asual (will it work?
    thanks again zef
    take care

  10. atka · 12. December 2008, 05:56 · #

    Man waiting for 10.5.6 and the new chameleon I can’t wait for either of them. :)

  11. Dr. Hurt · 12. December 2008, 20:45 · #

    I can’t wait till the next version of Chameleon. I wonder what new features it’ll have. Perhaps a great feature would be GUI control center app for it in OS X to control time out, DSDT, Extra folder, active partition, default partition…etc
    That would be so nice.
    Anyway, keep up the good work everyone, and thank you for your wonderful work.

  12. mackerintel · 13. December 2008, 17:59 · #

    @DR. HURT: DSDT, SMBIOS, Extra, GUID and many other features are already done. GUI control would be a completely separate project even if it would be hosted on the same server. AFAIK nobody yet started such a project

  13. mentholmoose · 13. December 2008, 18:44 · #

    Any chance you could implement support for bluetooth keyboards in the bootloader, so people can use them with dual-boots?

  14. mackerintel · 13. December 2008, 18:57 · #

    If someone implements it the patch would probably be accepted but do you know how much work it needs? While PCI is already implemented it would need a complete implementation of USB, then implementation of bluetooth controller and of a bluetooth stack with encryption mechanisms. So unless someone really gets excited with this idea and does this job (e.g. you) the answer is no

  15. Triple675 · 17. December 2008, 19:28 · #

    Hey Guys!

    Just wondering about the timeline. I need to transfer my install to a new HD and I was wondering if the new version will be released in the coming days or weeks? If it’s weeks then I’ll use Munky’s EFI partition method once again.


  16. Dr. Hurt · 18. December 2008, 14:08 · #

    Zef said that they are working on it. They hope to finish it before Christmas. You should not wait for it because as always, it could be delayed because they are always trying to the best they could. Time lines will only cause stress, rush, and mistakes.

    Keep up the good work everyone.

  17. BuildSmart · 22. December 2008, 15:11 · #

    Still waiting for the source release so I can finish the new MagicBoot CD (with post installers) and then put together the packages so others can make a custom one .

  18. Xboxdude · 22. December 2008, 19:52 · #

    Looking forward to this upcoming release – UUID support aswell as the SMBIOS mods should be awesome!

  19. zef · 25. December 2008, 10:53 · #


    Sure, it will be released when it gets ready. Since we have a lot more space, we “can’t stop” adding new features.


    How do you mean UUID support? The SMBIOS is already built-in.

  20. Xboxdude · 25. December 2008, 13:24 · #

    Hi Zef.

    Its based on this post (post #55 and #53/54 too):

    I’m assuming we need to wait for ‘big chameleon’ to get SMBIOS patching/UUID/DSDT and /Extra support as posted.

    Currently I’m using SuperHai’s SMBIOSResolver to fix the Error 35 problem (including Time Machine) and it works perfectly – the Chameleon method should be much more elegant though and means one less non-standard kext to load.



  21. mackerintel · 25. December 2008, 20:31 · #

    @xboxguide: read attentively posts #52 and #54. This method doesn’t work. But you can try the method described in the post #53 by roisoft

  22. Dr. Hurt · 26. December 2008, 21:54 · #

    Will the next version fix the GMA950 in desktops (id=2772)? The new integrated framebuffer kext unloads after 2-3 minutes with NATIT and/or EFI strings!! Old FB causes graphics artifacts. The reason I ask is that I heard “Dense” say that it will contain PCI probing to fix GMA950 on some systems.

  23. DR. HURT · 28. December 2008, 21:21 · #

    Finally, here is the code needed to fix GMA950 desktop edition. Feel free to modify it as you like. I hope you include it in your next release – if technically possible!! It depends on modifying the DSDT.aml to point to the GMA950.

    Method (_WAK, 1, NotSerialized) // just after the end of this method

    Method (DTGP, 5, NotSerialized)
    If (LEqual (Arg0, Buffer (0×10)
    /* 0000 */ 0xC6, 0xB7, 0xB5, 0xA0, 0×18, 0×13, 0×1C, 0×44,
    /* 0008 */ 0xB0, 0xC9, 0xFE, 0×69, 0×5E, 0xAF, 0×94, 0×9B
    If (LEqual (Arg1, One))
    If (LEqual (Arg2, Zero))
    Store (Buffer (One)
    }, Arg4)
    Return (One)

    If (LEqual (Arg2, One))
    Return (One)

    Store (Buffer (One)
    }, Arg4)
    Return (Zero)

    Device (PCI0) //look for the location using ioreg
    Name (_HID, EisaId (“PNP0A03”))
    Name (_ADR, Zero)
    Name (_UID, One)
    Name (_BBN, Zero)
    Device (PEGP)
    Name (_ADR, 0×00020000)
    Device (GFX0)
    Name (_ADR, Zero)
    Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
    Store (Package (0×1A)
    Buffer (0×08)

    Buffer (0×07)

    Buffer (one)

    }, Local0)
    DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
    Return (Local0)

    Device (PEX1) // this fix TM, use the ioreg for proper location
    Name (_ADR, 0×001C0001)
    Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
    Return (0×0F)

    Device (LAN)
    Name (_ADR, Zero)
    Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
    Store (Package (0×04)
    Buffer (0×02)

    Buffer (0×09)
    }, Local0)
    DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
    Return (Local0)

    Device (HDEF) //change AZAL to HDEF and use the ioreg for the proper pinconfig
    Name (_ADR, 0×001B0000)
    Method (_PRW, 0, NotSerialized)
    Return (Package (0×02)
    Method (_DSM, 4, NotSerialized)
    Store (Package (0×08)
    Buffer (0×04)
    0×62, 0×06, 0xEC, 0×10

    Buffer (0×04)
    0×0C, 0×00, 0×00, 0×00

    Buffer (0×10)
    “Realtek ALC662”

    Buffer (0×18)
    /* 0000 */ 0×10, 0×40, 0×11, 0×01, 0×40, 0×98, 0xa1, 0×01,
    /* 0008 */ 0×50, 0×30, 0×01, 0×01, 0×60, 0×40, 0×21, 0×02,
    /* 0010 */ 0xa0, 0×61, 0×4b, 0×01
    }, Local0)
    DTGP (Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, RefOf (Local0))
    Return (Local0)


    I hope I made any sense!!

  24. OCM · 29. December 2008, 21:16 · #

    Any new progress? Just wondering, no rushes :P Keep up the great work

  25. DR. HURT · 30. December 2008, 10:26 · #

    Never mind!
    I just made a new DSDT.aml with a code clean up to make it more compatible and posted it to insanelymac. Those with GMA950 can use it to get full graphics. It worked with gigabyte and asus motherboards. Thanks.

  26. Hi, I'm a Hac · 1. January 2009, 21:25 · #

    I have been using a ATI Sapphire Radeon HD 2600 Pro in my Hac for some time. I have had varying levels of success at getting the card to work. Mostly it was extremely difficult to get Quartz Extreme to work, which it turns out was due to getting the device ID placed into the kext file. Even after this I still have artifacts such as when I am using the navigation window in Photoshop. It leaves a smaller version of the image when I zoom out, and does not go away unless you “scrub” the image area by moving the cursor around in the navigation area.

    I know that all of you are working very hard to create the next version, and I realize I am likely bringing my issue to the table a little late in the game. I feel that it is something that others would like to see fixed, and would surely appreciate it myself.

    Happy New Year!

  27. Hi, I'm a Hac · 1. January 2009, 21:57 · #

    I have just realized that LastEXILE (InsanelyMAC user) has posted new drivers that I will test as soon as I can. Currently the rapidshare account has reached it’s download limit, so I have asked him to repost the link.

    I will follow up to let you know if this fixes the problem, and maybe you can include this fix if it works.

  28. MacNutty · 4. January 2009, 14:22 · #

    Can’t Chameleon team make a graphical boot loader similar in real Mac, the one with graphical boot volume chooser. Can it be possible? The graphical boot loader will really bring our hackintosh more closer to real Macs.

  29. Drakulix · 5. January 2009, 17:15 · #

    Or a white screen on booting (like EFI) if Quiet Boot is activated.

  30. rockstarjoe · 7. January 2009, 00:18 · #

    Thanks for all of your hard work! I’m really looking forward to the new release.

  31. DR. HURT · 9. January 2009, 11:43 · #

    +1 for the white screen (like EFI).
    Also, when is the next version going to be released. I can’t wait.

    No rush though. I’m just anxious.

  32. DR. HURT · 9. January 2009, 21:58 · #

    SSDT override. I guess it’s a new fork of the bootloader. I just thought I’d give you a heads up. I see great potential here.

  33. caine · 12. January 2009, 01:55 · #

    What about nvram saving support in stage 2 boot? It could be helpful for saving keyboard layout, set boot options, choosing boot volume (at least within same hdd), maybe it could resolve some uuid problems etc..
    All you need (as I think:)) is to handle efiRuntimeServices->SetVariable and efiRuntimeServices->GetVariable in fake_efi.c and read/store data to some file on disk.
    It would be nice if you add this feature to next release.

  34. Fakrae · 12. January 2009, 08:40 · #

    And it would be nice, if you could release some kind of semi-release, since I for example only need to load DSDTs and .kexts from the EFIpartition, but since I dualboot Vista on the same HDD, munkys EFI-boot doesn’t recognize Vista and won’t let me boot it!

  35. cparm · 25. January 2009, 06:01 · #

    hi, chameleon team,
    what’s about your bootloader update and the new features since the first announcement , are you waiting for the snow leopard release ??

  36. zef · 29. January 2009, 13:54 · #


    We have similar ideas about how could we provide that feature. But we have many other things to fix first :)


    I can say the same, our intention is to release a usable, tested version.


    Hey, we’re not waiting for the next leopard release but working on the next Chameleon release ;)

  37. bigdog · 31. January 2009, 01:15 · #

    I am a somewhat noob as I am about to build my first Hackintosh. I was hoping you guys were ready just to minimize the many mistakes I am sure I am about to make. I am going to attempt munky’s method as it seems it is best solution all around but still wanted to thank you guys for all your hard work. Cant wait to see the new version when it comes out. I know you guys are taking the time to make sure it is as feature rich and as bug free as humanly possible. Which is the way it should be done! Thanks Again for all the hard work.

  38. WooTerBurg · 2. February 2009, 13:33 · #

    Hey, how ‘bout doin’ it like the pros do? Set a code freeze date, meet it, release what you got, then let us know what you’re still working on that will be in the next release? I think we could ALL benefit from what you got so far.

    That would be great, just like you!

    Thank U, from all of US!

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    4.Socks: Circular knitting machines are excellent for knitting socks.“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” You can choose to knit them using a single cylinder machine or a double-cylinder machine with a ribber attachment for a more professional finish. Cast on the appropriate number of stitches, knit the leg and cuff, work the heel and gusset, shape the foot, and finish off with the toe shaping.
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    2.Punchcard Knitting Machines:“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” These machines use punchcards with pattern instructions to create intricate stitch patterns automatically. They are often used for more complex designs and can produce a wide range of stitch patterns and textures.

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    Some scarf making machines are designed for home use and are relatively compact and user-friendly.“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” They typically have a set number of needles or hooks arranged in a specific pattern to create the desired stitches. With these machines, you manually manipulate the yarn and controls to knit the scarf.

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    3.Knitting: Once all the pegs are wrapped,“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” use a knitting tool or hook to lift the bottom loop over the top loop and off the peg, creating a knitted stitch. Repeat this process for each peg until you’ve worked your way around the entire loom.

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    1.Ravelry: Ravelry is a popular online community for knitters and crocheters.“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” It has a wide range of knitting machine patterns, including circular knitting machine patterns. You can browse the “Machine Knitting” category or use the search function to find specific patterns.

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  188. Candle Holders · 21. August 2023, 05:41 · #

    It’s worth noting that while knit hat machines offer efficiency and speed,“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” they may not provide the same level of flexibility and customization as hand knitting. However, they are a valuable tool for those looking to produce hats in larger quantities or for commercial purposes.
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    3.Tension and Stitch Settings: Set the tension and stitch settings on the machine.“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” Follow the guidelines provided by the manufacturer to adjust the tension to the appropriate level. This ensures that the stitches are formed evenly and consistently.
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    2.Set Up the Machine: Set up the circular knitting machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This typically involves attaching the yarn mast, threading the yarn through the tension guides and machine hooks, and ensuring the needles are in the correct position.
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  192. light painting with USB Powered · 24. August 2023, 05:57 · #

    When using a knitting machine,“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” it’s important to choose the appropriate yarn and understand the machine’s settings and functions. Each machine may have specific instructions and techniques, so it’s advisable to consult the machine’s user manual or seek guidance from experienced machine knitters.
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  193. Bookshelf Insert Decor Alley with Furniture · 26. August 2023, 02:15 · #

    1.Speed and Productivity:“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” Knitting machines can knit rows of stitches much faster than manual knitting, allowing you to complete projects more quickly.
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  194. 18inch Doll Clothes and Accessories · 26. August 2023, 03:43 · #

    Ultimately, the decision to buy “wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” a knitting machine depends on your personal preferences, knitting goals, and budget. It may be helpful to read reviews from other users, research different models, and consider your own knitting needs before making a purchase.
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    or it may be a machine specific to a certain region or brand.
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    2.Project requirements: What kind of knitting projects do you have in mind?“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” Knitting machines are ideal for producing larger quantities of knitted items quickly, such as scarves or simple garments. If you enjoy intricate stitch patterns or complex designs, hand knitting might be more suitable.
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    As with any knitting machine or tool, it’s essential to refer to the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines for proper usage,“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” as well as any maintenance and care requirements. If you have access to the specific machine, the user manual should provide detailed information on how to use it effectively.
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  198. Book Nook Kit · 2. September 2023, 22:10 · #

    2.Hand Crank Operation:“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” The hand crank mechanism enables you to rotate the machine, creating a continuous circular knitting motion. This allows you to quickly produce knitted fabric.
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  199. Candlestick Holders · 19. September 2023, 01:48 · #

    Remember, even if you don’t find patterns specifically designed for your machine,“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” you can still adapt hand knitting patterns to work with circular knitting machines. Experiment with different stitch patterns, gauges, and techniques to create unique projects.
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  200. Doll Shoe · 20. September 2023, 08:15 · #

    2.Automatic Scarf Maker Machines: Automatic machines are motorized or electronic devices that automate the knitting or weaving process.“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” They often have pre-programmed patterns or settings that allow you to create various scarf designs. Some machines may have additional features like automatic tensioning and yarn feeders.
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  201. Handmade Doll House · 21. September 2023, 22:03 · #

    Choosing the right knitting machine depends on your specific needs, preferences, and budget. “wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” Here are a few factors to consider when deciding which knitting machine to buy:
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    Circular knitting machines have a cylindrical or circular needle bed with multiple needles arranged in a circle.“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” They can be manual, semi-automatic, or fully computerized, depending on the complexity and features of the machine. Some machines may also have additional accessories or attachments for specific hat styles or designs.
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    2.Knitting Pattern Central: Knitting Pattern Central is a website that offers a collection of free knitting patterns,“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” including circular knitting machine patterns. They have a dedicated section for machine knitting patterns where you can find various projects to try.
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    Remember, practice makes perfect!“wwwsentro-knittingmachinecom_2024” With time and experience, you’ll become more comfortable and proficient with your knitting machine. Enjoy the process of exploring new techniques, creating beautiful projects, and unleashing your creativity. Happy knitting!
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