8. February 2009
Article is written by Tamás KOSÁRSZKY.
You may be wondering about what else goodies we will have in the upcoming version. Many of these functions are already implemented in other boot loader releases, but without fighting the annoying size constraints, we can incorporate them all into a single package.
Continue reading "More new features added to next Chameleon version, part 2." »
3. February 2009
Commenting is closed for this article.
Article is written by Tamás KOSÁRSZKY.
Finally, we’re getting there. I have no doubts about the most demanding feature is should be a graphical user interface for the boot loader. We have reached to a stage where I can show you something really cool. Yes, we have a fully customizable GUI.
Continue reading "Introducing new features added to next version of Chameleon, part 1." »
24. October 2008
Article is written by Tamás KOSÁRSZKY.
Tired of choosing many different boot loader solutions, because each version offers a specific feature what others doesn’t?
Besides time and laziness factors there’s a big wall what we hit if we’re going to merge all nice features into a single release: It’s the 64k size limitation of the stage 2 loader. The last pieces of the puzzle has been found, now it’s time to grow up!
Continue reading "Time to grow up" »
10. June 2008
Article is written by Tamás KOSÁRSZKY.
Got a ‘com.apple.Boot.plist not found’ error while trying to boot your Mac OS X Install DVD when using an IDE optical drive connected to your JMicron controller? Or how about to enjoy the fake EFI features if you have and older SSE2 CPU or a recent AMD system? Chameleon is here again to help You! :-)
Continue reading "Chameleon 1.0.11 with JMicron IDE DVD, SSE2, AMD K10 Phenom support" »
30. May 2008
Article is written by Tamás KOSÁRSZKY.
Here is the next bug-fix release of Chameleon. Now multiboot works as expected.
Continue reading "Chameleon 1.0.10 is available now" »
26. May 2008
Article is written by Tamás KOSÁRSZKY.
Kabyl has found that annoying ‘bug’ which caused a kernel panic when using some non-vanilla kernels in conjunction with AppleEFIRuntime.kext.
Continue reading "Fixed issues with Chameleon and some non-vanilla kernels" »
25. May 2008
Article is written by Tamás KOSÁRSZKY.
We’re proudly announcing the first public release of Chameleon packages with a separate build and source downloads. Before getting to the details, please take a look at the “Releases” section on the right side :)
Continue reading "Chameleon 1.0.8 is out!" »
23. May 2008
Article is written by Tamás KOSÁRSZKY.
Do you have any questions? Please feel free to connect to our IRC network at irc.osx86.hu and join to #Chameleon room. We’re waiting for you!
Continue reading "IRC chat room is online" »
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